Friday, March 13, 2009

My Hot Deal Post # 1The Private Membership Affiliate Program Social Network Marketing

I started thinking to myself about the economic times we are in and we find ourselves no looking for a deal where maybe a few years back we didn't. To that ends I have decided to devote a portion of my blogging time to sharing information on money saving coupons or special deals. Legitimate ways to make Money on line (because it all takes work folks, but it shouldn't have to cost you a lot to get started.)

It's interesting to see the shift in the career market as far as what people feel are stable jobs. There is even a division among self-employed people who work on line as far as which is the most stable way to work for ones self and make good money on line? I'm not hear to debate that I just say you have to what your passionate about 2.Find a way you can take that passion and turn it into a marketable product. 3. Set yourself reasonable time lines and dates while keeping your options open. If you feel, it's isn't working, as you would like given a reasonable amount of time or you feel like you have to have that day job (some of us do) then do that but give what you are trying to start up the rest of your attention or at least 80 to 90 percent of it. Do not do it Half Heartedly Half hearted passion is just Stupid. 4. Market the hell out of yourself as well as your product on social networking sites.

To that means the first" Hot Deal" I want to share with you is a New social Networking site I just discovered "The Private Membership". This works as any other social networking site but when you join the site you can sign up for its affiliate program that pays you a dollar for each person that signs up. Using the affiliate link, you are provided to promote the sight. Right now, they are offering a special sign up price of $1.00 to join The Private Membership. Now I know other sites are free to join but this site will pay you a dollar for everyone who uses the link you are provide to sign themselves up. My understanding is once they populate this site to the level they want it at those that got in during that time will continue to earn the dollar for those who sign up under your promo link but they will have to pay 47 dollars to join and that’s an annual membership this is a lifetime membership. In order to join you have to use an existing member’s promo link, which I have provided you here


Just Copy and past in a new window in your web browser

In these hard economic times who couldn’t use the extra cash and this is an easy way to generate it. So take a look, this is a good deal. One of my best friends and business partner who owns Desert Pet Sitting here in the Coachella Valley as well as being the other moderator at is already making money . If you don’t Have PayPal, you will have to sign up for it but that is free and extremely secure. Hey, it's another way to promote yourself and your business for a buck that’s cheap advertising if nothing else and you'll earn some dough to boot


Thoughts On March 4th Repeal Prop 8 Ralley at the Court House

Thoughts On March 4th Repeal Prop 8 Ralley at the Court House

I went to the rally at the courthouse March 4th for The repeal of Prop 8, in Palm Springs with my husband Steve. On this eve before the hearing, I was thankful that my husband was not working. (His job keeps him in Florida a lot.) He was able to share this experience with me. We listen to the different speakers speak. From Jenny Foat city council member to couples that have been together over thirty years. I started to reflect back on the relation ship I have with my Husband of almost ten years. (We plan to marry on our tenth anniversary.) I started to think about all those couple that I knew that had been together 10, 20 or more years that never got to marry. I knew a couple in San Jose in the 90’s that had been together 60 years. One past on before the laws had been changed (for that brief period) and we were aloud to marry. Another couple had been together almost 50 years before one passed away. And one of my dearest friend had been with his husband 25 years before his husband passed away back in the late 80’s.

My parents were together 51 years. So it is no surprise to me the value I place on commitment. Because of this Marriage is a Huge deal with me. I have dreamt of the day I walk down the Isle in a white or black tux with family and friends surrounding us. The moment we cut the cake. And all those traditions that go with a wedding day. Today was important. Tomorrow is even more important. Tomorrow history will be made. We will all be a part of this. Whether your marriage minded or a run away bride (or groom) who couldn’t stay far enough away from an alter. This is more then just the right to marry this is about another step towards Total equality. I believe when it comes to equality we should never take a back seat (I ain’t nobody’s Rosa Parks.) and we should never shoot for baby steps. We must walk like Giants and speak with demand and authority in our voice. We must raise our voices all, against inequality. We must bring this battle to victory and then we must take our next Giant step forward. Believe you me this battle is only one giant Step towards Total equality we have many more Giant steps to take before State wide and federally we are equal citizens of this great state and this great nation that seemed to be hijacked for the last 8 years.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We must stay Strong!

Civil Liberties are meant to be a guarantee to all Americans. Marriage is a civil liberty so to allow some to have it and not others is Wrong

We have only begun this battle there is a lot more work that needs to be done/ We all need to support Marriage Equality whether it is through donations of time, money or both with the recent positioning of the religious right, threatening to recall judges as well as to try and end safe schools program this is no time to relaxes we must fight harder then ever and make it clear by winning this war that the religious wrong can not hi-jack California’s constitution or any other states constitution for that matter!. We will win! And we will fight this battle until we do!
Get involved because you never know who’s civil liberties may be taken away next by a majority of the voters it could be yours

We have Momentum.

We have momentum this is no time to stop.

We have their attention this is no time to give it back.

We must make them see that this is not up for negotiation.

We must make them see it is not about religion.

We must make them see that this is about civil rights.

We are the new face of the civil rights movement

We are marriage rights for all.

We are the good fight.

We will see victory

We will win this war.

We have momentum this is no time to stop.

The Wedding

This is so exciting I can’t believe it is finally here… Well almost finally here. I can’t believe your getting married. It just seems like yesterday you where 5 playing dress up and having tea parties and now you are about to be married. Oh daddy, I am all grown up, it’s time to let go. I know sweetheart it’s just tough to let you go. Oh, daddy I have to grow up sometime. I know I know but it’s not easy to see my baby getting married. Lynn honey, what time are we supposed to be at the church for the rehearsal ….. 5:30, I swear your father just can’t seem to remember anything lately.

Hurry up Roger, we have to get going…. I’m almost ready… I have never met anyone who takes as long as your father to get ready…. Roger will be in the car waiting…. I’ll be right there Lynn.

Daddy can you go a little faster I want to get to the church we only have an hour and a half for the rehearsal…. Sweetheart we’ll get there in plenty of time…..Roger did you remember to call the caterer and make sure they made the menu changes for the reception? …Yes honey I did….. Oh no!? What are they doing here?..... Daddy, Father, ….make them go away. Why do they have to protest my wedding? I’ve never done anything to them. Don’t worry sweetheart your father will take care of it lets get parked and the two of you can go inside and I’ll handle it.

Granddad!..... Well don’t you look lovely my dear. Lynn, you’re a vision yourself,…Oh Dad… What, what you’re my child can’t I complement my child? Where’s that handsome husband of yours? Oh, there are some protesters outside and he is trying to get them to leave……

Hey everyone… Sarah made it. How was your flight? It was O.K. just long…. Well you’re here and that’s what matters Mat would be disappointed if you didn’t make it to the wedding.
Was daddy able to get of them?....Get rid of who?.... Oh, Sara you made it how was your flight. ….. Eh, it was o.k.…… Hey, what’s going on out there?..... Demonstrators! Daddies trying to get rid of them, Oh Sara there protesting my Wedding! They are going to ruin it….. Matty they are not going to ruin your wedding this is only the rehearsal. I’m sure they will be gone shortly your dad will see to it…. Oh granddad….. Sara why don’t you go see if you can help your dad get rid of them…. Good idea, I’ll go with you Sara…. Matty don’t fret between you dad, granddad, and Sara they should be able to get rid of them….. They better, it’s my day and I don’t want it ruined by these insensitive clods….. Matty? That’s not very nice and your wedding day is tomorrow not today sweetheart and by tomorrow those pesky demonstrate will be gone, you worry to much your dad will handle it…But what if they don’t leave?.....Listen to me between your dad your granddad and Sara they’ll have them out of here in no time….. Hey sweet heart they know your on there side. You have marched right with them for what they try and call civil rights…… You say that as if it is not a civil right!.... Well, honestly honey I’m not so sure it is?.....It is!...all I can say is that I don’t necessarily agree with them and there are better ways of getting there point across then protesting your wedding…..

Daddy, were you able to get them to leave?.... Thanks to Lynn’s dad and your sister Sara they have decide to take there demonstration elsewhere….Thank you guys so much….Hey you have got a rehearsal here shortly lets focus on that. Has Danni gotten here yet?..... No!..... Stop being such a Bridezilla Matty! …. Hold on that’s my cell I think it’s Danni? I have to take it. Again, thank you guy's for handling it I’d hate to have Danni have to see that Danni would go ballistic if they were out there….

Well that’s one fire out I hope there aren’t anymore?..... I’m sure everything will be fine Lynn.... I hope so the last thing I want to have happen is to have those demonstrators here when Danni get here. Matty’s right you know Danni would go ballistic and the last think we need is the cops at this rehearsal….. I know I know but it’s handled and they’ll be leaving…….

So where’s Danni?...... He’s on his way now…… Good, we are running late as it is!

O.K. everyone take your places Matty’s family will be on this side and Danni’s on the other….. Lynn you look so sharp in that out fit it is always one of my favorite outfits on you…. Why thank you Jamie! And you never fail to look good in that outfit although it is a bit revealing for a wedding….. Well you know what they say a wedding is the best place to find an eligible single…. That’s right you’re still unmarried. When are you going to settle down and start a family?.... Oh I don’t know I just haven’t met the right person yet?.... Well you certainly have worn that outfit to enough weddings you think you would have met someone by now!.... I’ve met plenty they just weren’t the One…. Well maybe if you didn’t boink em in the bathroom at the reception you might get to know them?... What can I say maybe I am meant to be single? Besides Marriage is overrated anyway. Oh, that’s just the cynic talking you don’t truly believe that?... All I am saying is those protesters don’t know how good they have it. They grow up come out and there families don’t put any pressure on them to get married they are very lucky.…… Well I for one think your wrong Marriage is a wonderful Institution…. You could be right Lynn but I’m not sure I’m the marrying kind….If you say so but personally I think you just haven’t met the right person yet.

What was that all about Lynn?…. Oh just Jamie being a bitch as usual!... Don’t let it get to you Lynn…. I don’t….. Jamie is right though you are smoken in that out fit I can’t wait to get you home and out of it!... Roger! This is Matty’s wedding get your mind out of the gutter…… I’m just saying it’s going to be hard to focus with you wearing that…… Well then I suppose it’s a good thing I’m walking Matty down the isle instead of you…. You got that right…..

Shall we get started folks….. Danni you stand here. Michael you stand to the right of Danni and the rest of you stand to the right of Michael….. Wait we can’t start until grandpa get here….. Don’t worry Matty he just called me and said he was running a little late and he’ll be here shortly….

Wow wedding bring out the animal in you….. How about round three?... How about tomorrow morning before the wedding all I want to do is watch a little news and go to sleep we have one of the most important day of our lives tomorrow, our baby is getting married? Hey did you find out if Jess and Meg were going to be able to make it? I’m surprised that they weren’t at the rehearsal?... They called while we were at the rehearsal and said their flight got in late they were sorry they couldn’t make the rehearsal but they will be there tomorrow. They said they wouldn’t miss the wedding for anything….. Shhh Shhh there’s a story about the protester on the news……Turn it up.

About some twenty protesters where outside the first Methodist church today protesting for the right to marry saying it is a civil right for a man and a woman to be able to marry and that they wouldn’t stop there protesting until heterosexual couples are allowed to marry in all 50 States…….. Ya right like that’s ever going to happen….. Roger! Quite I am trying to here this, these people are directly attacking the sanctity of marriage….If they had there way people would be allowed to marry dogs and that’s just ludicrous!.... Stop being so closed minded Roger…… I’m just saying…. Look if our son and his husband to be can be understanding maybe we should too!.... Lynn these people want to take what is sacred and turn it into a circus and I for one don’t like it! I though we agreed on that?.... I do I do, it’s just that Maybe they have a bit of a point! I mean after all marriage is a civil matter….. correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t it just you who said they, and I quote “ are directly attacking the sanctity of marriage?... yes I did but,…. But nothing Lynn. If we allow a man to marry a woman it will destroy marriage as we know it!.... all I am say Roger is that maybe they have a point?.....They have no point Lynn God intended Marriage to be between a man and a man or a woman and a woman not a man and a woman period….. Arghhhhh. Lets just go to sleep we have a big day a head of us and tomorrow our son is going to marry the man of his dreams and this should be a happy occasion….. Well those damn protesters better not come around tomorrow that’s all I have to say about it Lynn…. Go to sleep Roger….. I just hope when Sara gets married that she doesn’t have to deal with protesters at her wedding….. Sara say she and Bev won’t marry till all people can get married…… What is wrong with these people Lynn? My own daughter?..... Roger just go to sleep I’m sure she and Bev will see the light…. I hope so. You try to raise your children right and then they get these nutty ideas in their head. Where did we go wrong? Roger go to sleep!... You up for round 4?.... In the morning Roger I’m tired and we have a busy day ahead of us. We have the breakfast at 8…. Well that’s doesn’t leave much time for nooky in the morning?..... Don’t worry Roger there will be plenty of time for nooky in the morning before the breakfast now go to sleep!

No part of this post may be copied reproduced or posted on other sites with out the express written permission of the author Russell E. Bertlow

A day without a Gay

She picked up the receiver and it was Bobby on the other end….. Hey, Bobby she said, what time will you be in….. I won’t be in he replied I’m calling in gay… Your calling in Gay? What does that mean? She asked…..It means my dear I am not coming in…. But Bobby your booked solid today….. Sorry Magda but as I said I am not coming in today, I’ll be in tomorrow. Have Shandra handle them…. What do I tell your customers? Magda asked him… Tell them I called in Gay….Bobby I can’t tell them that what will they think?.....Magda we talked about this you told me you understood…..I do Bobby you know I do, it’s just that…..Bobby stopped her right there. Magda, just tell them I called in Gay it’s been all over the news and Shandra is quite capable of handling my clients for the day….. Bobby these little blue haired ladies won’t get it….Well then maybe its time they did…..I know I know Bobby your right. Her words trailed off. She was in complete support of marriage equality. She new it was time to stand up once more for her friends and family and she would find away to deal with it. Bobby, she said I want you to know I am always in your corner and I know what you are doing is a good thing I’ll see you this evening at they rally and I’ll let your customers know you called in gay….Thank you Magda I appreciate it. It’s the only way people are going to see our value. I’ll see you tonight…..I’ll see you tonight Bobby. She replaced the receiver just as Shandra entered the salon…. Who was that Shandra asked…..? Oh, it was Bobby, she said with despair in her voice. He called in gay…. Honey you knew he was going to….I know, I know…..So what’s the big deal then? Shandra said. You should be happy he is standing up for his civil right….I am Shandra I just don’t know how it’s going to effect business…. Business! Honey your worried about how it’s going to effect your business? Magda I always thought you were better then that…..Don’t mind me Shandra I’m just frustrated Bobby is my top stylist and he’s booked solid today….. You seem to forget we planed it this way and you were the one who came up with the idea… I know I did Shandra we’ll just have to deal with it….Yes we will now won’t we, and besides it’s only one day. Honey your business is strong enough and you have a big enough clientele that it ain’t gonna be no big deal…..Your right. I know I’m right. Look Magda will get through this day and Bobby will be back tomorrow…. Shandra can you handle Bobby’s clients? I’ll handle them alright I’ll tell them Bobby called in gay and they will have to reschedule…..That’s not what I mean Magda said with more frustration in her voice….Magda if we want to make this statement this is the way to do it Shandra said with a firm tone. Look Bobby would do the same for you, you know that don’t you? Yes,.....Then what is there to talk about? We just tell his clients they will have to reschedule because Bobby called in Gay and if they don’t like it to bad and if they ask what that means we will tell them exactly what it means Shandra said definitely. Look Magda, these people need a wake up call and this is it.

Stern Foster and Stern how may I direct your call? Hey Betty, I won’t be in today I’m calling in Gay…. I’ll let Mr. Foster know Tom….Thanks Betty… Your welcome Tom, and hey Tom just know I support you….Thanks Betty that means a lot….Have a good day Tom…. You too Betty and I hope Mr. Foster isn’t to mad….Don’t worry about Foster I’ll handle him….Thanks Betty…. Your Welcome Tom. Betty hung up the phone as Todd Foster arrived into the office… Hey Betty tell Tom I need to see him in my office right away we have to get the finals done on the Winston file….. I’m sorry Todd Tom won’t be in today…what do you mean he won’t be in today is he sick?…..No, no Betty assured him. Then why won’t he be in?.... He called in Gay…He What? Todd said his voice raising. Betty remained calm and said again He called in gay….. Agitated Todd said, he called in Gay? Jesus Christ, what the hell!.. Look Betty said, it may not be my place but your just going to have to deal with it….Even more agitated Todd looked at Betty and said, your right it isn’t your place now get Tom on the phone and tell him to get his butt in here pronto there is to much going on and I need him in the office…. Betty looked at Todd a bit amused and said, No can do Mr. F! What do you mean No! Todd was getting heated and angry… Betty’s voice was very firm in it’s reply… I said No can do Mr. F…. Then I’ll call him and tell him myself….Go right ahead betty said to him but he won’t come in……Why Not! Todd said demanding an answer…..Todd you know perfectly well why not, today is a day without a Gay….Are you serious? Todd asked…. Yes I’m serious Betty replied. Oh and you should know about have the office is out and I’m leaving at noon? Christ almighty is everyone in this office gay?.... don’t be ridiculous Todd she said… Maybe we should just close for the day? He replied….Todd you were well aware of this and your right you should have just shut operations down for the day…. Well I didn’t really think they would go through with it….. What would have given you that impression Todd? Betty was already packing up her belongings….Inform everyone that is here that they need to get to the conference room ASAP Todd instructed Betty and then notify me when they are all there…. Will do Mr. Foster.
Betty contacted those who were in and told them to meet in the conference room then went back to her desk and made sure that the phones went directly to the answering service informing them that the office would be closed today for a day without a gay. The woman on the other end of the line knew exactly what that meant and said you too huh? Half our staff is out as well and a few of our other customers have informed us of the same. Don’t worry she said will handle it….Thank you Sarah I appreciate it… Betty hung up the phone then made one last call to Mr. Foster and told him everyone was in the conference room after which she headed there herself….

As you may or may not know Todd said addressing the sparse remaining staff. Today is a day without a gay and as managing partner of the firm I have decided that we will be shutting down the office for the day in support. Most of you are salaried so it won’t affect you but those that are not will still be paid for 8 hours work. You can choose to stay and work or go home but I have had Betty forward all call to the answering service. Are there any questions? Dan Michaels spoke up and as he was about to speak Betty leaned over to sandy and said under her breath it figures I think he’s the only one in the office who voted yes on 8 idiot…..Todd, Dan said I for one think it’s a bad idea, your only encouraging their behavior….. Dan Todd said Sternly you can choose to stay and work if you wish but as Managing Partner of this firm I have decide that we are closing the office for the day and you are welcome to your opinion but it is not going to change things…. Fuck’n fags, Dan said under his breath an audible gasp came from those directly around him…..The comment Dan made under his breath infuriated Todd. Dan if you have something to say then say if otherwise keep quite Todd said firmly and as for the rest of you, though some of you may not agree with this need I remind you that Foster Sterns and Foster has always been a company that prides its self on diversity and respect of all our employees. That is all this meeting is adjourned. As everyone started to leave, the conference room Todd ask Dan if he could stay for a moment as he had matters he needed to discus with him…. Dan I know that you don’t agree with this he started out trying to keep calm, but! He said let me be very clear here if you ever make another comment like you did today you will be fired Do I make myself clear!!! I have and will never tolerate Bigotry in this office and comments like the one you made will not be tolerated EVER!! We have talked about this before Dan and I am through talking! You will be formally written up and I will be giving you a ninety day probationary period….Dan stutter for words this is bullshit…..Would you like to try for 120 days Dan Keep talking because in a minute your going to talk yourself right out of a job and need I remind you in this economic climate finding a job won’t be easy. Now get out and go home. Dan headed toward the conference room door and as he started to leave Todd said to him, maybe you should take today and think about what it is you want? And if working here isn’t cutting it for you then maybe it’s time to find something else. You’re a good Worker Dan but as I said, I will not tolerate this sort of behavior Period! Have I made myself clear! Yes, Todd Dan answered begrudgingly . Good now go home.

Betty was just about to leave when Dan was passing her desk to get back to his office. Betty had never liked Dan she had always felt him a bit of a prig and a chauvinist and delighted in any opportunity to she got to aggravate him. She was very good at not getting caught doing it. If there was one thing she couldn’t stand, it was a bigot and Dan was the biggest of them all and she took delight in pointing it out to him. As Dan passed her desk she looked up at him and said, how’s that new asshole you just got ripped to which he just replied Shut up and leave me alone. Have a good day she said as she collected her purse and walked from behind her desk. Dan just kept walking to his office. Betty stopped in front of Mr. Foster office and asked if there was anything, he need from her before she left hoping he would say no and he did. As she turned to leave he called out to her…Betty? Yes Mr. Foster? Remind me in the morning that we need to file a formal written notice of disciplinary action for Dan…. A smile came across Betty’s face as she said With Pleasure Mr. Foster. Oh and one last thing Betty, Yes Mr. Foster she said. Try not to take so much pleasure in this Dan’s a hard worker, I know he can be an asshole but….. His word trailed off. You have a good after noon sir Betty said as she turned to leave. You too Betty and give Sterns my best and tell him that we support him and the rest of our LGBT staff just as we would any other staff. Will do Mr. foster and with that, she was gone and Todd went back to what he working on.

News reports were flooding the airwaves of business’s that were shutting down for the day due to lack of staffing. Despite the fact that some news stations were trying not to cover it, it was becoming big news. Momentum had had been gained and a day with out a gay was starting to effect the national economy, other countries were now participating. It was becoming one of the biggest grass roots movements to be seen in quite some time Bigger then anyone thought possible and even those new stations that refused to report it initially were now reporting it. All be it with a slant but they where reporting it. From Rural America to Suburban America they were feeling the effect. Those who had never stood up before were no standing up to be counted. This was becoming a very effective campaign. Programs were being interrupted for news updates. They were touting it to be bigger then a day without a Mexican. People’s eyes were finally starting to open up. Sure there were plenty of conservatives who would have like nothing better then to put an end to this but it was all to big to stop now and to try and do so would only set off a fire storm. People who thought it would not amount to much were either conversely elated or disturbed that it had become such a big deal.

Dr Williams office, No the Dr is not in today he has called in sick he should be back tomorrow, I’m sorry mam but he can’t be reached today. If it is a medical emergency then you should go to the emergency room as I said the Dr won’t be in until tomorrow. Mam, mam, I understand mam but you have to also understand that we are just the answering service. Yes, mam I’ll be happy to get the doctor your message, I can’t guarantee that he will get back to you today just so long as you know that, yes I understand your predicament but again I would suggest to you if it is an emergency that you go to the nearest emergency room.

Is this day going to be over soon?..... Not soon, enough Jan……This is just crazy Cindy. I hope this works I don’t want to have to face another day like this again….I just don’t know what they hope to achieve by this Jan, don’t you think that they are just making people angrier? What if we decide to have a day with out White people? I hear what you are saying Cindy but you know that really isn’t the point? Then what is the point Jan? The point is we have a group of people who are discriminated against just because of who they are! How!...... Yes but aren’t there other ways of handling it?…. I guess so Cindy but I have to say this seems to be working….But at what cost Jan? I just think it’s kind of ridiculous… Well I have to say Cindy I’d do the same thing if I found my self in their place, You use what ever means you have to short of Violence of course to et the results you need to get…..Well I don’t necessarily agree with that theory. I’ll just be glad when this day is over. Amen to that. And thankfully, our shift is almost over……Dr Williams Office how can I help you. No, no the doctor is out sick today, Yes, I understand I can get him a message for you if you’d like……..

I can’t believe we got though this day Shandra tells Magda as they sink back into a couple of the salon chairs glasses of wine in hand…….. Well Magda says we did I just hope Bobby appreciates it? Oh, you know he does Magda, and you know he would do the same for us…. I know he would Shandra. The two ladies clink there glasses together simultaneously saying Cheers. They continue to talk as they enjoy there glasses of wine. So tell me Magda how does a good Canadian girl get a name like Magda?…I mean I’m just saying I know how I got the name Shandra it’s African but Magda is Russian and you’re Canadian. Why didn’tcha mamma name you k.d. or Sarah….. Please not the name Sarah that name has now been sullied forever……You got that right. The ladies enjoy a laugh and take another sip of wine…….

Betty has come over to Tom’s house, with Tom and his husband Tyler They are eating take out in front of the T.V. watching the 6 O’clock news. I just can’t believe it Betty, It’s amazing….. I know I know Tyler says…… Well, all I can say is if this Prop 8 gets repealed I better be going to a wedding soon! You two have been together 19 years now I’m surprised you didn’t do it already? .. Well Tyler said, we wanted to make sure it would stick…..Ya that way we wouldn’t have to do it again if they made our marriage null and void Tom added… I guess so Betty said but, what if it had been defeated? Then Tom said we would still be planning our wedding for our Twentieth anniversary…. Are you guys serious… As a heart attack, Tyler says…. We didn’t want to tell you until we knew the out come of this election Tom added….But now we’re just hoping we the courts will over turn this stupid proposition 8……They will, they will Betty chimed in. Ya I actually think they will Tom says. Today was the start of great things to come Tyler says, I think a real Impact has been made. The phone rings it’s Tyler’s mom. He takes it in another room as Tom and Betty continue to watch the T.V. news reports. The two of them lift there Glasses of soda saying Cheers..... Now tell me about this wedding you two are planning we need to get started….. Hold up there Betty Tom Says…. Well we haven’t got all year here my friend what’s your theme?.... Tyler returns…..What did I miss?..... I was just telling your FiancĂ©e that you two need to get cracking on those wedding plans so you have it all in place…….I tried talking to him Betty I told him the same thing but he wants to wait and see what happens in the courts….. Oh no now I have two conspirators ……That’s right Tommy between Tyler and I your going to end up Married…..I’m going into the kitchen for some more soda you to can plan the wedding just tell me when and where I need to show up so I can marry this wonderful man… Don’t forget what to wear because you my friend have no style I love you to death you know I do but we all know who got the style in this House Betty says…..They all laugh and continue to watch the News and Chit Chat…….

This story may not be reprinted or used in part or in whole without the express written permission of the Author Russell E. Bertlow